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Learn Tips on Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome from Entrepreneurs.

Do you often feel like an imposter? Even if you have years of experience in a field, do you feel you don’t
know enough or are inferior to others who are more successful? Perhaps you feel inferior to those who are your colleagues or even people you haven’t met yet; especially people on social media?

If you said yes to any of these questions, You Are Not Alone. In fact, imposter syndrome affects millions of
people, even the most talented performers and directors in Hollywood, and most accomplished moguls. From Academy Award winners to serial entrepreneurs, imposter syndrome affects many.

Brodie isn’t simply a blog. We are a team running the business. Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and that does not fall short of helping people work through imposter syndrome and doubt.
Here’s how.

The “Millions” Mindset

If you have constant doubt with starting a business or finishing a project, try thinking about Millions. We
are not talking dollars, Pounds or euros, we are talking about people, successful people in fact.

For example, let’s say Aaron has done exceptionally well as a mental health therapist. Although he does
not work for himself yet, he has helped dozens of patients overcome their fears, phobias and depression. Aaron is thinking about building his own practice but while doing so, experiences imposter syndrome.

When Aaron feels unworthy or unmotivated to take steps towards creating a business, he notices how he is feeling. When he feels himself doubt his abilities, he thinks about the Millions mindset. There are millions
of successful therapists who have their own practice. It’s been done before, successfully, by millions of

We incorporated the millions mindset when we were building this very blog. Before Brodie there
was One House Digital, a company of consultants who helps dozens of businesses and hundreds of
salespeople with digital marketing. Like all companies, we have had great success and even some failures, but launching a blog felt like different territory for us. We have launched tons of websites for clients before, so our own blog should be in our wheelhouse…or so we thought.

When Brodie creators experienced imposter syndrome before and after the blog was launched,
we incorporated the Millions mindset. There are millions of blogs out there that are successful and even if they are not the top 10 most successful blogs, there are millions which have impacted people.

That helped us get through imposter syndrome. Knowing that we didn’t have to reinvent the wheel or be trailblazers took away much of the doubt and stress.

Now try incorporating that in your life. There is a difference between imposter syndrome and knowing that you may not have enough training or experience to do something. When you are experienced and see your potential, you can get through imposter syndrome, doubts and even haters.

Let us know if you’d like to learn more tips on how to overcome imposter syndrome and feeling
unmotivated. Lastly, don’t be afraid or too prideful to ask for help, whether it’s contacting us or speaking
with a licensed therapist.

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